VIDAL Mobile  APK Free Download (Android APP)

VIDAL Mobile APK Free Download (Android APP)


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App Information of VIDAL Mobile

App Name VIDAL Mobile v
Size26.4 MB
Latest Version
Get it On Google Play
Package Namecom.mobicrea.vidal
Rating ( 4184 )

Description of VIDAL Mobile

VIDAL Mobile Apk – On This Page available to Free download VIDAL Mobile Apk File. This is Original VIDAL Mobile APK File. We are Share this Apk file Free to download in Our direct Download page. free download VIDAL Mobile APK find latest version Here.  VIDAL Mobile Apk File requires Android 4.1+. So, App Install 500,000+ and  Get Latest app  Updated Here.

We are always share apk files on Free download VIDAL Mobile APK file for your android devices. Also Don’t worry 100% safe and works. 

How To Install APK File on your Android Device

»You can also install VIDAL Mobile APK files from the browser on your Android smartphone or tablet.

» Get the VIDAL Mobile APK file you want to download, and tap it (you should then be able to see it downloading on the top bar of your Android device).

» Once it’s download Complete, open Downloads, tap on the VIDAL Mobile APK file, and tap Yes when prompted.

» The VIDAL Mobile app will begin installing on your device.

#Read Me

Before you can install it on your phone you will need to make sure that third-party apps are allowed on your device. Go to Menu > Settings > Security > and check Unknown Sources to allow your phone to install apps from sources other than the Google Play Store.

Below Include Full Information about the VIDAL Mobile App.

*** Le 21/01/14, VIDAL Mobile a reçu le prix de la meilleure application dans la catégorie outils transversaux pour les professionnels de santé. + d’infos sur ***

Vous êtes amené à rechercher de l’information sur le médicament, dans la pratique quotidienne ou lors de vos déplacements ?
Bienvenue dans VIDAL Mobile, portail d’information sur le médicament pour le praticien nomade et l’étudiant.
VIDAL Mobile fonctionne sans connexion Internet


Sur abonnement (payant) :
– Monographies VIDAL
• Une fiche d’information pour + de 11 000 médicaments et 4 000 produits de parapharmacie
• Contenu conforme aux informations officielles et aux référentiels publics
• Recherche par nom commercial, substance, indication, laboratoire
• Historique et favoris
– VIDAL Recos
• 175 stratégies thérapeutiques validées appuyées de grades de recommandation
• 240 arbres décisionnels commentés
• Rédigées par plus de 90 experts sous la direction de Charles Caulin, professeur émérite de thérapeutique
• Précieux dans le cadre de la FMC et de l’EPP, cet ouvrage s’adresse à tout professionnel de santé

Gratuitement :
– Interactions médicamenteuses :
• Ajout de spécialités dans une ordonnance virtuelle : recherche par nom commercial ou par substance
• Analyse des interactions médicamenteuses de la prescription virtuelle
• Recherche d’alternatives thérapeutiques en cas d’interaction
– Actualité hebdomadaire du médicament
– Reco du mois : une recommandation en accès libre chaque mois
– Informations relatives à la contraception orale
– Liste indicative des spécialités pharmaceutiques françaises contenant des produits dopants
– Lexique des maladies rares pour lesquelles il existe des médicaments spécifiques
– Adresses des centres régionaux de pharmacovigilance
– Informations sur le médicament et la conduite automobile
– Reco Vaccinations, reprenant les recommandations officielles

Un abonnement de 12 mois est requis pour consulter les Monographies (29,99€) et les VIDAL Recos (19,99€) et bénéficier de leurs mises à jour mensuelles. Hors abonnement, seules les listes de résultats sont accessibles.
Abonnez-vous directement depuis l’application :
– Téléchargez les Monographies ou les VIDAL Recos sur votre smartphone (par connexion WIFI – rubrique abonnement)
– Abonnement annuel à 29,99€ (Monographies) ou 19,99€ (VIDAL Recos)
– Le montant de l’abonnement est débité sur votre compte Google automatiquement à la confirmation de l’abonnement
– L’abonnement est automatiquement reconduit sauf si cette option est désactivée au moins 24 heures avant la fin de la période en cours. Aucune résiliation n’est possible pendant la période active en cours
– L’abonnement et son renouvellement peuvent être gérés à partir de votre compte dans La procédure est décrite sur notre FAQ.

L’usage de VIDAL Mobile est destiné aux professionnels de santé habilités à prescrire ou à dispenser des médicaments ou à les utiliser dans l’exercice de leur art. Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir vous authentifier avant d’accéder à l’application.
L’utilisation de VIDAL Mobile ne dispense pas le professionnel de santé de vérifier les informations disponibles auprès des autorités ou de toutes autres sources officielles. VIDAL Mobile ne remplace pas la décision du prescripteur, seul juge des thérapeutiques à envisager.
*** On 01/21/14, VIDAL Mobile received the prize for the best application in the category cross-cutting tools for health professionals. More information about ***

You are required to seek information on the drug in daily practice or while traveling?
Welcome to Mobile VIDAL, information portal on medicine for the practitioner and student nomad.
VIDAL Mobile works without an Internet connection


By subscription (paid):
– Monographs VIDAL
    • An information sheet for + 11 000 4000 drugs and drugstore products
    • Content accordance with the official information and public repositories
    • Search by product name, substance, indication, laboratory
    • History and favorites
– VIDAL Recos
    • 175 validated therapeutic strategies supported recommendation grades
    • 240 decision trees commented
    • Written by more than 90 experts under the direction of Charles Caulin, emeritus professor of therapeutic
    • Precious part of CME and EPP, this book is for any health professional

Free :
– Drugs interactions :
    • Adding specialties in a virtual order: search by business name or substance
    • drug interactions Analysis of virtual prescription
    • Search of therapeutic alternatives when interacting
– Drug Weekly News
– Reco month: free access each month recommendation
– Information on oral contraception
– Indicative list of French pharmaceutical specialties containing doping
– Glossary of rare diseases for which there are specific drugs
– Addresses of regional pharmacovigilance centers
– The medicinal information and driving
– Reco Vaccinations, resuming official recommendations

A 12-month subscription is required to view the Monographs (€ 29.99) and VIDAL Recos (€ 19.99) and benefit from their monthly updates. Outside subscription only lists results are available.
Subscribe directly from the application:
– Download VIDAL monographs or Recos on your smartphone (via WIFI – heading subscription)
– Annual subscription € 29.99 (Monographs) or € 19.99 (VIDAL Recos)
– The subscription fee is charged to your Google account to automatically confirm the subscription
– The subscription is automatically renewed unless this option is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the period. No termination is possible in the current active period
– Subscription and renewal can be managed from your account in The procedure is described in the FAQ.

The use of Mobile VIDAL is intended for health professionals authorized to prescribe or dispense drugs or use them in the exercise of their art. Thank you kindly authenticate before accessing the application.
Using VIDAL Mobile does not relieve the health professional to verify the information available to the authorities or any other official sources. VIDAL Mobile does not replace the decision of the prescriber, sole judge of therapeutics to consider.
Merci d’utiliser l’application VIDAL Mobile
. Amélioration de l’affichage section « Mon compte »

What is APK file?

If you have an android phone, of course, it is full of these APK files. They are the files of each application you have installed on your smartphone. Actually, APK stands for "Android Application Package". An APK is a type of file that contains all the required features of an android application and becomes the final output. So, an APK is a file compiled with each of these elements. So when you download an app from the Google Play Store, you download that file.

The mobile phone is capable of installing the APK file and using the individual features of the application.

Installing the APK

However, these files cannot be downloaded from Google Play Store only. Of course, anyone can create an APK with their own app and decide not to upload it to the Google Play Store. The latter is just a store that contains many apps, but not all. Even if there is an app in the Google Play Store, it does not mean that it cannot be downloaded and installed from somewhere else in the form of an APK file. Of course, there are apps available in various stores, and apart from being available on the Google Play Store, there are developers who share APKs of their apps for free, especially apps that are in initial versions and users want to try them out before you put them on the store.

How to install APK?

Actually installing APK on any android mobile phone is very simple. Installing a Google Play Store app is just as easy. First, Find the APK file on your mobile phone, in the Downloads section, if you have downloaded it, or through a file explorer. Try running that file.
If you haven't installed this type of file before, you'll see a warning that you don't have the option to install apps from unknown sources that aren't from Google Play.
All you have to do is go to Settings > Security, find the Unknown Sources option and enable it. Now you can install APKs that are not available from Google Play Store.

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