Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞  APK Free Download (Android APP)

Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞 APK Free Download (Android APP)


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App Information of Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞

App Name Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞 v
Size10.6 MB
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Description of Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞

Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞 Apk – On This Page available to Free download Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞 Apk File. This is Original Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞 APK File. We are Share this Apk file Free to download in Our direct Download page. free download Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞 APK find latest version Here.  Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞 Apk File requires Android 4.1+. So, App Install 1,000,000+ and  Get Latest app  Updated Here.

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How To Install APK File on your Android Device

»You can also install Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞 APK files from the browser on your Android smartphone or tablet.

» Get the Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞 APK file you want to download, and tap it (you should then be able to see it downloading on the top bar of your Android device).

» Once it’s download Complete, open Downloads, tap on the Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞 APK file, and tap Yes when prompted.

» The Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞 app will begin installing on your device.

#Read Me

Before you can install it on your phone you will need to make sure that third-party apps are allowed on your device. Go to Menu > Settings > Security > and check Unknown Sources to allow your phone to install apps from sources other than the Google Play Store.

Below Include Full Information about the Yahoo奇摩股市– 台股即時報價 個人化投資組合及財經新聞 App.




1. 掌握大盤資訊與即時報價 :

– 大盤、個股報價即時更新,可隨時查當紅熱門上市、上櫃排行榜,時事概念股報價、配股、配息與股東會資訊,方便您尋找高股利股息情報。更有期貨與選擇權報價。
– 新增「Y選股大師」功能,依「多方、空方、基本面、財務面」等分類,利用公開資料篩選比對符合條件的股票,幫助投資人找到理想的投資標的。
– 提供股票設定「到價警示」,可自訂重要價格及漲跌幅的推播通知,以及符合任一「選股條件」時收到通知提醒,掌握投資先機。

2. 國際金融&國際自選股觀測:

– 國際股市:道瓊Dow Jones、那斯達克指數Nasdaq、S&P 500指數、上證指數SSE、上海A股B股、深圳指數SZSE、深圳A股B股、日、港、韓。
– 匯率/外匯:日幣、人民幣、美金…等等幣別。
– 美、港滬深個股:蘋果AAPL、英特爾INTC、亞馬遜AMZN、IBM、AT&T…等更多當地股票可自由搜尋。
– ADR:台積電TSMC、矽品、聯電、華碩、友達光電…等。
– 原物料:黃金、白金、原油、玉米…等。

3. 提供完整財經新聞和直播影音:

– 每天超過2,000則即時新聞,只要點選客製化自選股新聞,股市App一次給你100則自選股新聞,即時重大財經頭條、與殖利率相關新聞。
– 與非凡新聞獨家合作,每天給你盤前盤後重量級財經 Video 影音,Live直播證交所重大記者會與法說會實況。

4. 友善操作介面:

– 查個股資訊或新聞,不用換頁只要往下讀,個股新聞自動出現,手機左右轉為水平則切換為技術線圖模式,報價、線圖、新聞一次看完。

5. 搜尋功能支援匯率、國際指數、美中港個股代號:

– 查台幣(TWD)換英鎊(GBP),只要在搜尋框輸入「TWDGBP」,反之就輸入GBPTWD就可查到英鎊換台幣報價!
– 查陸股青島啤酒,只要在搜尋框輸入「600600.SS」部分文字即可找到。
– 查美股英特爾,只要在搜尋框輸入「intel」部分文字即可。


– 您認知並瞭解股市APP服務為一匯聚各種金融資訊來源提供予使用者參考之用,相關國內外交易資訊係由各合作之資訊來源提供者所提供,股市APP僅作為一便利使用者取得前開資訊之平台,Yahoo奇摩不對股市APP所提供之各種資訊就其正確性、完整性、即時性、符合使用者特定需求等為任何明示或默示之擔保。您同意您所為之任何金融或投資決策,均係由您自行獨立依據自主意志決定,與股市APP服務無涉。

– 由於網際網路並非穩定之資訊提供管道,且股市APP所提供之資訊係由不同的資訊來源提供者所提供,而大量、即時金融資訊的整合亦有其呈現及錯誤查核之困難度,您同意對於因為Yahoo奇摩、其他協力廠商及相關電信業者網路系統軟硬體設備之故障或失靈、人為操作上之疏失或其他情形所致股市APP服務全部或部分中斷、暫時無法使用、遲延或造成任何資訊(包括文字、數字、圖形)傳輸中斷、錯誤、缺漏或功能無法使用或未依設定通知或提示等情形,Yahoo奇摩均無須負任何責任。

– 各資訊來源提供者均由其自行依相關法律就其所提供之資訊負責,Yahoo奇摩無法亦無能力逐一檢核資訊之正確性、未侵害他人智慧財產權或其合法性或正當性,您同意Yahoo奇摩無須為該等資訊之正確性、合法性或正當性負任何責任,如有依相關法令規定須公告者,Yahoo奇摩將依法令規定為之,請您注意股市APP相關公告訊息。
– 改善報價資訊更新穩定度
– 修正錯誤和效能改善

What is APK file?

If you have an android phone, of course, it is full of these APK files. They are the files of each application you have installed on your smartphone. Actually, APK stands for "Android Application Package". An APK is a type of file that contains all the required features of an android application and becomes the final output. So, an APK is a file compiled with each of these elements. So when you download an app from the Google Play Store, you download that file.

The mobile phone is capable of installing the APK file and using the individual features of the application.

Installing the APK

However, these files cannot be downloaded from Google Play Store only. Of course, anyone can create an APK with their own app and decide not to upload it to the Google Play Store. The latter is just a store that contains many apps, but not all. Even if there is an app in the Google Play Store, it does not mean that it cannot be downloaded and installed from somewhere else in the form of an APK file. Of course, there are apps available in various stores, and apart from being available on the Google Play Store, there are developers who share APKs of their apps for free, especially apps that are in initial versions and users want to try them out before you put them on the store.

How to install APK?

Actually installing APK on any android mobile phone is very simple. Installing a Google Play Store app is just as easy. First, Find the APK file on your mobile phone, in the Downloads section, if you have downloaded it, or through a file explorer. Try running that file.
If you haven't installed this type of file before, you'll see a warning that you don't have the option to install apps from unknown sources that aren't from Google Play.
All you have to do is go to Settings > Security, find the Unknown Sources option and enable it. Now you can install APKs that are not available from Google Play Store.

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